Thursday, September 20, 2007

From Anemia to Cancerous Polyp

Hi everyone,

I hope this finds all of you well and happy! I wanted to follow up on
my colonoscopy e-mail. I had the procedure done on Tuesday.

First of all, thank you SO MUCH for all the suggestions and support!
It was really helpful.

I was initially sent for a colonoscopy because I was diagnosed with
severe anemia, and they wanted to see if it was coming from there.

The good news is, they found the source of the anemia, which was a
large, bleeding polyp. They removed it. Yay.

The bad news is, the doctor thinks it looks cancerous. The results
will be ready on Friday, Monday at the latest. And then we'll know more. we go again. The waiting game. We've all been there, for
one reason or another! This reminds me so much of fertility, all over
again, waiting for results.

The other good news (to end on a high note!) is that colon cancer is
completely curable if caught early, which this would be. Yay again.

Thanks so much for all of your support, and for listening and being
there. I'll follow up with the results when I get them.

Love, Marie

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